Friday, September 28, 2012

Sustainable Product Service System Project assignment

Some research has been done on the reverse vending maching as it serves a similar service as my concept.

This reverse vending machine is produced by the company Envirobank and has been placed in several places around NSW. Unlike usual vending machine, this machine requires user to deposit water bottles and aluminium cans, then a price or refund would be given as a reward.

This machine allows loyalty users to store their reward credit on loyalty card, credits can be used as cash later on. Users without the card can get random rewards vouchers like movie tickets. 

The above photo shows the entry for plastic bottles and aluminium can. Inside the machine are some sensors that scans each bottle that is inserted to ensure it is a product that is recyclable.

The screen on this machine shows the steps of what the user should be doing next. It also tells the user at the end what price they got rewarded. 

Some instructions on the side for people to read when they need to use the machine. 

The exit for rejected items 

Envirobank is currently trying to increase the amount of reverse vending machines around NSW and have had placed machines throughout 7-11s around Melbourne and Sydney. This is one of the 7-11 which currently have the machine located in Kensington.

This reverse vending machine is placed outside the 7-11, very convenient for people who just finished their drinks to deposit it. 

For my concept, I would like to be able to make a machine that can recycle finished glass bottles, paying back refund and also moving a step forward for the recycling the bottles would be crushed and filtered inside the machine to allow easier and quicker recycling.

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